About us
"Choose a job you love, and you will never have to work a day in your life"
Our Mission
The mission of InFocus Safety Solutions, Inc. is to provide realistic safety solutions to the grinding workforce. Employees will “get the job done” and our value is in our practical approach where employees can still get the job done timely, and most importantly SAFELY. Our satisfaction is knowing the employees return home to their loved ones each day.

Our Goal
Our goal is to make each employee “Choose to Work Safe” for their own benefits. Our consultation approach have been referred by many as Coaching. We coach the employees to be a better team member and change their behaviors through Trust, Respect, and Consistency.
Our Approach
We are “Preventative” first and “Reactive” second with the objective of reducing and controlling losses.
Our active involvement with your team allows us to understand your exposure and risks. We know what is Acceptable Risks vs. Unacceptable Risks. Our recommendations allows your team to work with the right amount of controls to be profitable.
We react to incidents with our Triage Services and Aggressive Claims Management. We work well with multiple Carriers and have relationships with Occupational Clinics throughout California.
ExMod Reduction
Risk Management can help reduce your Experience Modification Rate significantly, translating into a savings to your business. Experience Modification Rate (EMR) has a strong impact upon a business. It is a number used by the insurance companies to gauge both past cost of injuries and future chances of risk. The lower the EMR of your business, the lower your worker compensation insurance premiums will be. An EMR of 1.0 is considered the industry average. We have assisted our clients lower their ExMod to 0.56, a savings of 44% of the Premium.